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Who We Are



Tourism Plus Foundation is a not-for-profit trust, managed by a Team of Professional in Tourism & Hospitality, engaged in sustainability in Tourism leading to healthier environment; protection of natural and cultural resources; greater economic opportunities and most importantly changing the image and perception to respect TOURISTS, DESTINATIONS and  ENVIRONMENT.


Additionally, we are providing education and health assistance/facility to the underprivileged and the needy. Women's empowerment is the key factor for achieving sustainable economic growth as they share the primary responsibility in nutrition, child care, household management and environment protection. We have also started a program towards better hygiene, health and safety


We invite people from all walks of life to be part of this movement and be the WARRIORS for a better tomorrow.


  • Conservation and effective use of resources

  • Promote local food, culture & heritage

  • Helping local businesses to access tourism markets

  • Helping to transform the destinations and create better place to live and work to curtail migration

  • Promote hygiene and arrange to provide education & health services to the underprivileged

  • Arrange Training programs to help generate Employment Opportunities in Hospitality

  • Promote ethical values -- Respecting Tourists and destinations

The Travel & Tourism Industry is one of the world’s largest industries and has unmatched potential to bring about gender equality and at the same time, alleviate poverty, hunger and environmental degradation. This can only happen when all relevant players of tourism fraternity, Government as well as travellers come together to set clear vision for a right balance between green growth and economic development


We strive to protect and care about the places you love to visit and to improve lives through tourism.



  • Evaluate impact of tourism in destination

  • Collaborate with decision makers, Govt. Agencies and the tourism fraternity for policies of responsible tourism

  • Developing knowledge, skills and capabilities

  • Awarding certificate for eco-practices that represents commitment of businesses/Tourism establishments adhering to environmentally responsible and sustainable operations in Tourism Business.

  • Promote participation of Travelers for Eco-friendly tourism

  • Promote Destinations, Accommodation Providers; Airlines; Tour Operators, Travel Agents and Tourism Services providers that are certified for and follow Eco-friendly practices


Environmental Protection



Reduce Water and energy consumption; 

Promote use of Renewable Energy; 

Reduce waste generation; 

Better & Ethical Wildlife Tourism Practices; 

Protection of Beach and

Marine Environment; 

Impart training for sustainable practices

What We Do



Encourage local businesses to develop/produce produce for tourism

for economic growth;

Encourage Tourism Services

supporting local 

employment opportunities

Cultural & Social


Promote and induce pride in local

culture, language and tradition; 

Promote local Art and Artefacts, food;.......

Education and health facilities for

underprivileged (in association with

Corporate World); 

Health Check Camps & Health Talks on Preventive Measures for the

Fraternity, employees and their families

Women Empowerment (Supporting Health & Hyigene) 

Tourism, like any other Industry, can never be fully sustainable as it impacts the environment, natural resources, social structure, consumption pattern etc., but the fraternity and travellers can contribute to make it more sustainable. It is thus, imperative that the Industry strictly follow and adopt responsible and sustainable practices to survive as a whole.


Tourism Plus Foundation wishes to partner with the Industry, destinations, policy makers and Tourism Authorities to work in the areas listed here:​

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© 2017: Tourism Plus Foundation


Tourism Plus Foundation

New Delhi, India

Tel: +91-9811199309


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